Meeting Agenda

City Hall Council Chamber
44950 Eldorado Drive, Indian Wells, CA 92210


Welcome to a meeting of the Indian Wells City Council.

Public Comments: Members of the Public who wish to speak should fill out a blue slip and submit it to the City Clerk, comments are limited to 3 minutes. In accordance with State Law, remarks during public comment are to be limited to subjects within the City's jurisdiction. 


Notification: If you are an individual with a disability and need a reasonable modification or accommodation pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) please contact the City Clerk at 760-346-2489, 48 hours prior to the meeting.


Please turn off all communication devices (phones) or put them on non-audible mode (vibrate) during Council proceedings. All documents for public review are available for public inspection at City Hall reception, 44-950 Eldorado Drive, Indian Wells during normal business hours. 


Members of the Public who wish to speak on a consent item listed on the special-agenda may do so at this time.  Public comments are limited to three (3) minutes.  Speakers will be alerted when their time is up and no further comments will be permitted. Because this is a special meeting, public comments will be taken only on an items listed on the agenda.

The City Manager or Department Heads may make brief announcements, informal comments, or brief the Council on items of interest.

All matters listed on the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be approved by one motion. Reading of text of Ordinances is waived and Ordinances are adopted as second reading, by title only. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless members of the Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and action.


    Council APPROVES remote teleconference/virtual and hybrid meetings for all City legislative bodies by finding that a statewide state of emergency is currently in place and that state and local officials have imposed or recommended measures to promote social distancing in connection with COVID-19; and

    AUTHORIZES City Manager to implement teleconference/virtual or hybrid public meetings as needed in accordance with Assembly Bill 361.


    Council CONSIDERS and APPROVES the proposed Termination Agreement between the City and Miles Lodge LLC and 3x5 LLC; and

    AUTHORIZES the City Manager to execute the agreement on the City’s behalf; and 

    FINDS the action to be exempt from CEQA.


    Council CONSIDERS and APPROVES the proposed Affordable Housing Property Acquisition Funding Agreement; and

    FINDS no further review is needed under CEQA.


    Council APPOINTS the Council Ad Hoc Committee recommendation Clive Weightman as the City’s representative to the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control Board for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2023.


    Council APPROVES the update to employee’s salary schedule as required by the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013; and

    DIRECTS staff to post the employee salary range schedule on the City’s website.


    Council RECEIVES and FILES the City’s Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022.


    Council APPROVES the Indian Wells Golf Resort Sidewalk Improvement Project as completed in compliance with the project scope, budget, and schedule; and

    DIRECTS Staff to certify the project completion with Riverside County.


    Council AUTHORIZES and DIRECTS the City Manager to execute a one (1) year extension to the Professional Services Agreement (“PSA”) with DeNovo Planning Group for the preparation and development of the Comprehensive General Plan Update and required environmental documentation. 


    Council FINDS the project to be exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15302, Replacement and Reconstruction; and  

    ADOPTS Resolution approving Modification No. 3 to Conditional Use Permit No. 2-94-2 for the construction of a new 30,029 square-foot spa and fitness center, pool area, and administrative offices within the Eldorado Country Club.


    Council APPROVES the October 6, 2022, Special Council Meeting Minutes.


    Council RECEIVES and FILES the City Treasurer’s Report for September 2022.


    Council RECEIVES and FILES the City Treasurer’s Report for October 2022.

For each of the items listed under PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS, the public will be provided an opportunity to speak. After a staff report is provided, the Mayor will open the public hearing. At that time the applicant will be allowed five (5) minutes to make a presentation on the case. Members of the public will then be allowed three (3) minutes each to speak, unless there are a number of person’s wishing to speak and then the Mayor will allow only two (2) minutes, to accommodate for more persons. The Mayor will then close the public hearing portion of the hearing and deliberate the matter.


    Council OPENS the Public Hearing, takes any public testimony, CLOSES the Public Hearing; and

    ADOPTS Resolution to approve a modification to Conditional Use Permit No. 2014-03, Zoning Text Amendment No. 2022-22, and Adoption of the associated Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared in support of Environmental Assessment No. 2022-02 for expansion of the special event parking lot/sod farm uses at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden.

    INTRODUCES Ordinance to be read by title only and further reading waived, amending Chapter 21.34.040 of the Indian Wells Zoning Code by modifying Section 21.34.040 to allow unpaved parking lots, agricultural uses, and sod farms as conditional uses within the City’s Resort Commercial zone. 

The Mayor will call upon the members of the public to address the Council regarding the agenda item being considered. After the public has provided comment, the item is closed to further comment and brought to the Council for discussion and action.


    Council DISCUSSES possible future changes to the availability of resident tee times during the seasonal months of January through April; and

    Takes NO ACTION relating to the discussion.

On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff, or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.

Cove Communities Commission
Coachella Valley Animal Campus
CVAG Homelessness Committee
Desert Sands Unified School District
Indian Wells Community Activities
Indian Wells Golf Resort Advisory Committee

Coachella Valley Energy Commission
Cove Communities Services Commission
Indian Wells Golf Resort Advisory Committee
Indian Wells Finance & Legal Oversight Committee
Indian Wells Marketing Committee
Indian Wells Public Safety

Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy
Coachella Valley Economic Partnership
CVAG Public Safety Committee
Desert Sands Unified School District
Indian Wells Public Safety Committee
Visit Greater Palm Springs

CVAG Coachella Valley Conservation Commission
CVAG Energy & Environmental Resources Committee
Indian Wells Grants In Aid Committee
Indian Wells Finance & Legal Services Oversight Committee
Indian Wells Historic Preservation Foundation
Indian Wells Marketing Committee
Indian Wells Personnel Committee
Indian Wells Tee Committee



California Joint Powers Insurance Authority
Riverside County Transportation Commission
CVAG Executive Committee
CVAG Transportation Committee
Indian Wells Personnel Committee
Indian Wells Tee Committee
Sunline Transit Agency

To a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council to be held at 1:30 p.m. on December 15, 2022 in the City Hall Council Chamber.








Affidavit of Posting,

I, Angelica Avila, certify that on November 23, 2022 I caused to be posted a notice of a Special Council Meeting to be held on November 28, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber.

Notices were posted at Indian Wells Civic Center and City's Website [www.cityofindianwells.org]

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