Council CONDUCTS a hearing to consider the adoption of two resolutions: (1) a resolution adopting an Addendum to the Certified EIR for the 1996 Update to the City’s General Plan and (2) a Resolution of Necessity for the acquisition of real property (APN 633-360-000); and
MAKES the following findings, as hereinafter described in this report:
a) The public interest and necessity require the proposed project;
b) The project is planned or located in a manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury;
c) The real property to be acquired is necessary for the project; and
d) The offer of just compensation has been made to the owner; and
ADOPTS Resolution No. 2022-41 Adopting an Addendum to the Certified EIR for the 1996 Update to the City of Indian Wells General Plan (SCH# 94092037) regarding the Proposed Resolution of Necessity for the Acquisition of APN 633-360-002; and
ADOPTS Resolution of Necessity No. 2022-42 for the Acquisition of a Fee Interest in Certain Real Property, by Eminent Domain, located on the Northeast corner of Miles Avenue and Warner Trail in the City of Indian Wells, More Particularly Described as Assessor Parcel No. 633-360-002, in Riverside County, California, for an Affordable Housing, Public Parking, Recreation Facilities and Open Space Project